Counseling Services
In addition to neurofeedback training, we offer one-on-one counseling services as you learn to live with a more stable brain. Believe it or not, this can take some getting used to, especially for people with long-standing histories of chronic dysfunction. A busy or "chatty" mind that suddenly becomes quiet can be unsettling. A previously "spacy" person used to disorganization and chaos may now have problems figuring out what to do with a "slowed-down" brain which now feels "boring." We help you understand your body's reactions to training from session to session. Stress management education as well as relaxation training, tapping and imagery are also presented as valuable tools.
In addition to neurofeedback training, we offer one-on-one counseling services as you learn to live with a more stable brain. Believe it or not, this can take some getting used to, especially for people with long-standing histories of chronic dysfunction. A busy or "chatty" mind that suddenly becomes quiet can be unsettling. A previously "spacy" person used to disorganization and chaos may now have problems figuring out what to do with a "slowed-down" brain which now feels "boring." We help you understand your body's reactions to training from session to session. Stress management education as well as relaxation training, tapping and imagery are also presented as valuable tools.